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Contribute to the mission of

The Parent Phone

We want as many parents as possible to know that De Oudertelefoon exists, and that we are there for them when things get too much at home. That all parents and educators in the Netherlands know that they can call and chat with us when they have a question, a concern, a problem or just want to tell their story. You can help us to support as many parents as possible! 


Just say it campaign

To break the taboo on asking for help, difficulties, annoyances, frustrations, fears and insecurities about parenting, we started the campaign 'Just say it'. We want to encourage all parents and educators to share what really lives in them. The great pleasures, successes and satisfactions of parenting, but also the more difficult sides and the feelings that come with it. By using real quotes from parents, we want to show that it's perfectly normal that sometimes it can feel like it's getting too much at home, and that you're not alone in this feeling.

We want to reach as many parents as possible in the Netherlands with this campaign, and we would like to ask for your help! What can you do to contribute to the mission of De Oudertelefoon? You read it below.

Share The Parent Phone online

We would like to let as many parents as possible in the Netherlands know that De Oudertelefoon exists and that we are there for them with a listening ear. You can help by sharing our website and telephone number with parents in your own area. For example via Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. All messages we post are free to share and to post on our own channels. You can also create your own message and include the images we made to introduce De Oudertelefoon. You can find these images below. Don't forget to tag us in your post and add #sayitjust.

Share "Just Say It" nearby

Our 'Just say it' campaign can be seen in various cities, along the highway, on television and heard on the radio. We have also made posters that you can print yourself and hang in places where you think a lot of parents come. You can download our posters as a PDF file and print them in A4, A3 and A2 format. We have five different posters, click on the title to download them:backpack,Annoyance, other mothers, Debt andGive up everything. The choice of where to hang them is up to you! In front of the window by the front door? At the kids' school, at the library or in the supermarket? Always ask permission at the location :)

Become a volunteer at De Oudertelefoon

The Parent Telephone does not offer ready-made answers to parents, but a listening ear and guidance towards their own solutions. All our volunteers are selected on their background and trained on our interview methods. Do you have experience in care, pedagogy, education, psychology and/or coaching and do you want to speak to parents based on the solution-oriented conversation method? Sign up as a volunteer! You can read more about thathere

Become a partner of De Oudertelefoon

Our partners are people or companies that support De Oudertelefoon based on their expertise, knowledge and/or experience. The Parent Phone runs entirely on volunteers and pro bono collaborations. You canhere see who our partners are. Do you think you can contribute to Stichting De Oudertelefoon based on your experience, service, product or knowledge? Send an email

Support De Oudertelefoon financially

The Parent Phone relies on donations and gifts to cover the costs of parts of the service that we cannot get sponsored. We are always looking for financial partners and funds that want to support us in this. You can also contribute financially as a private person. Stichting De Oudertelefoon has an ANBI status, which means that you can make a donation to us under favorable tax conditions.

Phone number: 085 130 46 58

Chat: bottom right of your screen


Opening hours 

Dutch & English: Monday to Friday

9am - 3pm & 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

De Oudertelefoon provides support to every caretaker through our phone and chat servicest. 

For collaborations, feedback, suggestions, etc., we can be reached by email at


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De Oudertelefoon and parenting tips

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